Inner Wisdom

“The first part of knowing yourself intimately is to silence the clutter of the externals and the mind, to develop awareness of what you are conveying to others and to listen to your internal voice: the one that speaks in the silences. Experiencing that silence and stillness and observing what lies within is key. Then you will have awareness.”

— Helane Marie Anderson

The innate wisdom and magnificence within you is the most powerful force that exists in the Universe and I will teach you how to REclaim it. 

I'm here to support you in strengthening your knowledge and trust of yourself: to REmember and REdiscover the home inside your bones. I speak powerfully to the part of you that does not need to be told what to do: your intuition.

Your subtle body is a rich and integrated system of wisdom and sustainability.

Within us we carry energetic elements we cannot see. Within us we experience thought formations that have no sound. 

These invisible and silent messengers are the foundations of who you are and how you experience your life. All that comes together to created our lived experience is arrising from the subtle realm, sprouting just as plants do:  from a tiny, nearly invisible seed. Discovering your inner wisdom is like learning to speak your body’s language.

This subtle body can be understood as your body’s nervous system.

When you become fluent in your own body’s language, you begin to perceive your threads of experience more deeply and accurately. 

What is your body is communicating to you?

With fresh eyes and perspective, you can look at every single one of your recorded memories and conditioned behaviors as information. Each one like a thin, suture like thread, weaving together the history and possibility of you. These threads come together to make a magnificent web of energy, magnetism, and wisdom that extends far beyond the body temple as we can perceive through the senses.

As an intuitive coach and healer, I help can help you become fluent in your body’s unique language and coach you based on what your body’s brilliance is communicating to you.

I’ve been where you are and I know how to lead you back to yourself. You are here to know yourself.  Welcome home.


The Power of Ease

Your body is the most intelligent thing you own. You hold a map inside you. Just this discovery is enough to shift the way you see yourself and the world. When you learn how to read this map, listen deeply to your own body’s language, and honor the wisdom it speaks, you learn to live in alignment with your soul by honoring the wisdom within.


Discovering Your Inner Wisdom

You can look at every single one of your recorded memories and conditioned behaviors as information. Each one like a thin, suture-like thread, weaving together the history and possibility of you. These threads come together to make a magnificent web of energy, magnetism, and wisdom that extends far beyond the body temple as we can perceive through the senses.

Navigating Uncertainty + Transforming Self-Doubt

In this powerful conversation, Stephanie Burg and I discuss navigating life’s inevitable ups and downs and becoming a magnet for what you desire. By showing up exactly as we are in these conversations, we invite you all to be exactly as you are as well. You’re not alone and we’re here share our stories with you.


WATCH: Meditation for Enhancing Intuition


Our inner wisdom always knows what our body needs. And healing is what our body does best.

True wisdom comes from gently collecting the lessons from your past and releasing the hurt and heaviness that their education cost you.


Learn how to trust yourself, how to trust your body, and run towards your life instead of away from it.  

Through holistic philosophy, mindbodyheart wellness, soul alignment techniques, intuitive coaching, and a lifetime of experience, a one-on-one session with LuLu can help you soften towards yourself and release what’s in the way of you feeling at home in your own skin.

This work is the strongest medicine and greatest teacher we have.