Staying Rooted


The ever elusive "grounded.”

What does it actually mean? For me, the definition has changed a lot over the years.

My current definition:

Feeling the most at ease with myself, with life, and with my thoughts. It's that feeling when everything has balance, when things just make sense.

Like life is occurring from the deepest and truest sense of who you are.

I met a healer once who told me I should never "ground myself.” He claimed that "grounding oneself" took too much unnecessary energy.

He instead told me to "root myself," because when I am firmly rooted in who I am, there is no need to "re-ground.”

I still think of him often. He said so many things to me at such an important time in my life. He was the first person to help me truly understand my fears. He so clearly and directly asked me, "Why are you afraid of yourself?” It was the earthquake of wake up calls!

But I digress...

Tips for Staying Grounded and Rooted

  1. Drink plenty of filtered water

    Filtered water is devoid of a lot of chemicals and water contaminants, and when you drink it, you are physically brought down closer to Mother Earth. Drink at least half of your body weight in ounces of water per day.

  2. Notice your breath

    Take a moment to notice your breath, bringing the awareness inside the body. The body can literally only be present. It cannot be in the future, nor the past. Only right here, right now. Keep each inhale nice and deep, while prolonging the exhale. (Inhaling for a count of 4 or 5, and exhaling for a count of 8 or 10, for example.) This will allow the blood pressure to lower and the nervous system to calm, allowing less agitation in the moment of focus.

    Bonus: Take a few deep inhales of your favorite grounding essential oil or oil blend.

  3. Immerse yourself in a salt bath

    Draw a bath and pour in at least 3 cups of salt. Breathe deeply. Actively release what is holding you back from the present moment. (More on medicinal baths here!) You can also take a swim in the ocean if a salt bath just doesn't cut it.

  4. Meditate

    Focus on rooting yourself and your sit bones deeply in the earth’s core. Allow the energy of your body to move downward, as if you were planting yourself like a seed. If you’d like to be guided, check out my Grounding Meditation.

  5. Pause. Listen. Feel. Enjoy.

    See if you can ride the flow of the crazy feelings coming up. What if you just let it be for an hour? Or a day? Sometimes feeling “out of control” is just what I need to gain new insight and perspective.

  6. Consume high-vibrational foods

    Just like filtered water, eating colorful fruits and veggies helps to bring you closer to Mama Earth. Consume foods that are fresh, vibrant, ALIVE, and make you feel good.

  7. Take 3 minutes

    Take 3 minutes first thing in the morning to sit (or lay) in bed before your feet hit the floor. Just 3 minutes in bed before the day truly begins. Use these 3 minutes to pause, breathe, and create the mood of your day. Ask: How do I want to feel today? Allow that energy to lead you throughout the day like an anchor of intention.

  8. Spend time in nature

    Practice earthing: taking your shoes off, walking, sitting, gardening, or playing directly on the earth. No buffer. Get dirty. It’s fun! For bonus points, give yourself a full body exfoliation using sand or dirt and then swim in the ocean after to rinse off. Feels so good. (if it’s winter, you can give yourself a full body salt scrub and rinse in the shower afterwards.)

  9. Bring your awareness to your feet

    Remind yourself where your feet are. Think about your feet, look at them, or give them a massage. Your body can only reside in the present moment, which is why grounding can be so powerful and stress relieving. If you practice being where your feet are, you will always be present.

  10. Work with me

If you're feeling you need further assistance, just ask. Let's work together! We can schedule a 1:1 Session to help you get out of your head and back into your body. I'm always here to help.

Sending love,



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